
Friday, 9 August 2019

The scary cave

Kate glanced across at Jessica and noticed that she was nervous too
. The guides had checked everyone’s equipment thoroughly and now
the group was about to abseil down a sheer rock face into the eerie,
unknown depth of a cave.

Everyone’s start walking in the cave Kate was feeling more and more Nervous. Kate glanced one more time
at Jessica she look very very nervous. Kate started to walk in the cave she was thinking what if the rocks fall
and i get hit bye the rock or i will die!!!.

As Kate and the rest the group walking everyone started to Hear a big Boom. There was dirt falling from the Roof everyone started to look around . There was another big Boom the rocks started falling down everyone started running. When Kate was running one of the big rocks fall one her leg she started crying and yelling for help. Jessica looked back at Kate and help her get the rock of her leg.

Jessica Help Kate get up and help her walk. when Kate and Jessica got to everyone Kate sat down and drank water Jessica asked someone to call one one one to come and take Kate to the hospital. after one minute a woman and a men came and took Kate to the Hospital for her leg because she Brock some of her bones Kate.

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