
Monday, 26 February 2018

silent reading

I am reading for page 33 
The she Fainted,falling into my Arms. "Hey, Invisible Thief-stop yelled commissioner rat ford.
"Give back the Diamond!" "I 'am sorry but I can't responded a nice voice that came form the area near the floating diamond. swiftness and I looked at each other, dumbfounded. 

Friday, 23 February 2018

My Basic Facts Test

I am testing how quickly I can remember my Basic Facts.
I need to remember my Basic Facts because they are the knowledge I need to help me with strategies to solve Maths problems.


On Monday I got 38 I need to work on my Doubles and halves.
On Friday I got 34 I need to work on my 10&100 and groups with 10&20.

My typing Test

I am practising my typing so I can be quicker and more accurate.


On Friday I got 31 I am getting better at my words
but I need to work more.
On Monday I got 30 I am getting better at my spelling
but I need to work more on my spelling.

Thursday, 22 February 2018

silent reading

I am reading from page 20,21

this story is about a thief and a Diamond
the door slams open and the class went fling and
the Diamond went out of the door and the there
Mouse went out and look for the Diamond.

Monday, 19 February 2018

silent reading

I am read from page 18 to 19
this story is about i kid and a Pokemon 
this kid trouble so a Pokemon came help the kid and 
the the kid said thank and if there anything you want me to do 
i will do it.  

Friday, 16 February 2018

My typing Test

I am practising my typing so I can be quicker and more accurate.


On Friday I got 29 I am getting better at my tipping but
I need to work more on my spelling.
On Monday I got 32 I need to work on my word so I can get better and my words and my spelling.

My Basic Facts Test

I am testing how quickly I can remember my Basic Facts.


On Monday I got 41 I am getting better I need to work on my
100,s more.
On Friday I got 34 I need to work on my Halves.

Lent Acts of Kindness

I have not did more on my slides because I broke my primes to God
I have not did nor of my  Kindness Calendar to people 
that need help and that have no food  link

Friday, 9 February 2018

My typing Test

I am practising my typing so I can be quicker and more accurate.


on Monday I got 30 I am getting better at tipping I just need to learn more words so I can
get well at my tipping.
On Friday I got 29 I need to work on my learning words so I can get good at spelling.

My Basic Facts Test

I am testing how quickly I can remember my Basic Facts.


on Monday I got 41 I need to learn my half I got because
I am not learning my half's.

On Friday I got 39 I am not learning my 100's because
I am not learning my 100's.

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

lady of fatima

we are writing a recount about our experience with the Lady of Fatima statue and liturgy 

lady of Fatima at saint Pius

lady of Fatima Was blessed by pope Francis


kawa of care

We are sharing 4 tips about Kawa of Care, keeping our netbooks safe in a poster Care, keeping our netbooks safe in a poster.
I can use Google drawing to make a poster.

I can give my poster a clear title.
I can write 4 tips with explanations.
no one have cheeked my work 

Friday, 2 February 2018

My typing Test

I am practising my typing so I can be quicker and more accurate.


on Friday I got 32 I am getting batter at tipping test
but I know i can do more.
on Thursday i got 30 I know I can do more at my tipping.

My Basic Facts Test

I am testing how quickly I can remember my Basic Facts.


on Friday I got 31 I need" to work' my half's.
on Thursday I got 41 I need" to learn I 100,s.