
Friday, 22 March 2019

about my sole friend

what food do you like pizza

How old are you  8

What candy do you like candy floss

What coucher are you tongan  

Who your best friends mola mariea briana and and  melie

What you favorite object maths

What you like playing soccer

What do you like to drink marten do

Who do you like watching harry potter

What your favorite animal dog


  1. Hi there Zahara I am Abbie and I am from Blaketown school
    I really like what you have done it is so good and my favorite animal is a rabbit they are so cute you have done a lot

  2. Hi Zahara my name is Morgan and this is a great piece of writing about your soul friend burt maby next time you should open it out and red it over to make sure that all your spelling is correct and every thing is in the best place and the place that youy want it to be in because you have a spelling mistake it is thatyou spleeded coulcher as coucher so if you could check
